Personalized Medicine and Cancer Treatment
Hiroyuki Abe, MD

Orthomolecular medicine is well established in accordance with the development of clinical biochemistry and nutrition. One of the most outstanding achievements is research and clinical application of vitamin C. Orthomolecular medicine is not alternative medicine; it is rather recognized as a more profound entity of medicine related to cell biology and genomic interaction.

Personalized medicine is a new wave of patient-centered medicine, which fits with the orthomolecular concept. A key part of personalized medicine is intra/inter cellular molecular interaction. For the treatment of cancer, molecular target therapy using dendritic cell (DC) based vaccine has introduced into clinical practice. The efficiency of DC-based vaccine is enhanced by use of high-dose IVC. Clinical results will be presented.


Systemic Saturation in Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy
Michael Gonzalez, PhD

Systemic saturation results when the concentration of Ascorbic Acid (AA) in plasma and tissues in the body are high enough to produce an ad­verse effect in the biochemical parameters or metabolism. In this way, Vitamin C’s conversion to Dehydroascorbate (DHA) is reversed back to AA. Once this takes place, the pro-oxidant action is decreased, thus AA’s anti-carcino­genic and/or carcinostatic action is reduced. This physiological phenomenon may occur when high IV doses of AA (100g or more) are given in a continuous schedule. When high doses of IV AA are given continuously, it overwhelms the cellular biochemical path­ways favoring the reversion of DHA to AA. This concept may in part explain the contra­dictory results reported previously in clinical studies despite evidence that high concentrations of AA kill cancer cells.


The Gonzalez Anti-Cancer Regimen: An Individualized Nutrition, Detoxification and Enzyme Therapy
Nick Gonzalez, MD

In our office, my colleague Dr. Linda Isaacs and I offer an intensive nutritional based therapy for the treatment of advanced and poor prognosis cancer as well as other serious degenerative disease.  The regimen consists of three basic components, individualized diet, individualized supplement protocols with large doses of proteolytic pancreatic enzymes for those patients diagnosed with cancer, and detoxification routines such as the coffee enemas.  The pancreatic enzymes derived from a porcine source function as the main anti-cancer element, based on the work of Dr. John Beard, the English scientist who 100 years ago first observed their anti-neoplastic effect.

In my lecture, I will summarize the treatment approach and the underlying theory, then present a series of patients initially diagnosed with poor prognosis and metastatic cancer who experienced regression of their disease and long-term survival while being treated only with our nutritional regimen.  Cases will include a 22 year survivor of stage IV chemotherapy-resistent breast cancer and three cases of biopsy proven adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, including two at stage IV, who have survived ten years or longer with their disease.