Abram Hoffer Memorial Lecture
Orthomolecular Medicine and the Renaissance in Healthcare
Jeff Kotulski, DO

The time has come. The Paradigm Shift has occurred. Orthomolecular Medicine, Functional Medicine, whatever the name, healthcare has shifted to a non-linear dynamic model and away from the allopathic model of linear dynamics. Financial incentives, biases, entrainment and fear prevented at times, and certainly delayed, the present renaissance in Healthcare.

Systems Biology, also known as the Health Matrix, is the backdrop for health optimization. To understand the present we have to analyze the past through Hoffer and Pauling, and going back further to Swedenborg and Still, the Health Matrix was birthed.


Evan Shute Memorial Lecture
Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Vascular Health
Ron Hunninghake, MD

The human body makes specialized healing cells called mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that possess numerous cell regulation and “organ renewal” functions: repair and regeneration; immune modulation; inflammation control; wound healing capabilities.  MSCs that circulate are known as endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs).

Like MSCs, EPCs regulate the healing process of a “wounded organ” – namely the repair of damage points in the endothelial lining of arteries. Current research suggests that reduced numbers of EPCs correlate with increase cardiac risk, coronary artery disease progression, and the severity of numerous chronic degenerative diseases including aging itself. (“You’re only as old as your arteries” – Sir William Osler.) Supplementing key nutrients may increase the numbers of these healing cells, and stimulate their reparative functions.


Coronary Heart Disease and Cancer: The Common Denominator
Tom Levy, MD, JD

This presentation will endeavor to show that increased oxidative stress is the consistent factor that both causes and accelerates the evolution of coronary artery disease and cancer. While these two diseases are very different in their clinical manifestations, their origins at the cellular/tissue levels are very similar. And even though earlier investigators have already demonstrated the importance of increased oxidative stress in the development of disease in general, the proper focus on what causes this increased oxidative stress in the first place has yet to be clearly defined.

The evidence that all increased oxidative stress results from the multifacted presentation of toxins in the body will be discussed. As well, the reasons that different toxins can present in so many different ways will be discussed as well. The integral role of infections and antioxidants in this paradigm will be highlighted. Finally, it will be shown that, for all of these reasons, the root canal-treated tooth is the single primary reason for most heart attacks and most head, neck, and thoracic cavity cancers, and that this incredibly important fact continues to be overlooked in most heart disease and cancer treatment protocols, mainstream or otherwise.