Orthomolecular Applications in Integrative Psychiatry – Depression Course
March 1, 2018 - July 30, 2018
This course contains four modules designed to provide health care professionals with a framework for integrating nutritional diagnosis and treatment in the clinical management of Depression. Evidence-based interventions focused on inflammation, the microbiome, dietary macronutrient balance, and micronutrient supplementation for supporting methylation and drug-induced nutrient depletion will be presented.
On Demand Access to the Course is Available Until August 30, 2018. Total duration 04:55:32 hours. See module descriptions for individual duration times. Registration includes course manual (PDF) and continuing education certificate.
Modern psychopharmacology is focused on the regulation of neurotransmitters in the treatment of depression and other mental illness. Nutritional psychiatry provides a new model for supporting specific biochemical pathways and co-factors necessary for optimal neurotransmitter function on a personalized basis. The first module explores individual genetic and epigenetic factors, ground-breaking research into the connection between the gut and brain, and the roles of inflammation and immunity in producing depressive symptoms.
Sufficient quantities and proportions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are often considered for overall health and wellness, but the nutrient and energy demands of the brain are often overlooked. As a highly metabolic organ, the brain relies on significant supplies of glucose, amino acids, and essential fatty acids for optimal structure and function. Modern diets typically provide plentiful calories but lack vital nutrients that enhance neurotransmitter function and stability. This module focuses on nutritional approaches for supporting neural integrity and connectivity to reduce the risk of depression.
Neurotransmitters in the brain are tightly regulated to support cognition, mood, and behavior. Synthesis and control of these powerful neurochemicals require the presence of adequate vitamin and mineral cofactors often found to be deficient in depression and other mental disorders. This module outlines how to support and balance a number of micronutrients associated with depressive symptoms. Celiac Disease and other gastrointestinal conditions that result in micronutrient deficiencies or excesses are also considered.
The final module continues the exploration of micronutrient metabolism in the etiology of depression, focusing primarily on the comprehensive roles of B-vitamins and Vitamin D in optimizing brain and overall health. Identifying individual genetic abnormalities underlying micronutrient digestion, absorption, and utilization are discussed in conjunction with creating personalized treatment strategies that augment, reduce, or eliminate the need for medication.