Cancer and Vitamin C
A Hoffer, MD, PhD
Multiple Sclerosis , Schizophrenia, Temperature and Latitude
DI Templer; B Hughey; H Chalgujian; M Lavoie; NH Trent; P Sahwell; DA Spencer
Schizophrenia and Esophageal Cancer: Comments on Similarities in their Spatial Distributions
HD Foster, PhD
Mineral Imbalance in Pregnant Mothers and their Newborns
E Blaurock-Busch, PhD
Removal of Dental Mercury: often An Effective Treatment for the Very Sensitive Patient
AV Zamm, MD
Hardin Jones Biostatistical Analysis of Mortality Data for Cohorts of Cancer Patients with a Large Fraction Surviving at the Termination of the Study and a Comparison of Survival Times of Cancer Patients Receiving Large Regular Oral Doses of Vitamin C and Other Nutrients with Similar Patients Not Receiving Those Doses
A Hoffer, MD, PhD; L Pauling, PhD
Oral Citrus Seed Extract in Atopic Eczema: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies on Intestinal Microflora
A Hoffer, MD, PhD; L Pauling, PhD
Trace Elements and Neuropsychological Problems As Reflected in Tissue Mineral Analysis (TMA) Patients
DL Watts, DC, PhD; FACEP
Pantothenic Acid and Muscular Function
DC Hemingway, DVM
A Primary Care Physicians Alternative for the benzodiazepines
M Walker, DPM
An Hypothesis for A Mechanism for the Pathogenesis of Psychomimetic Symptoms in Gluten/Gliadin Sensitive Individuals
CF Washburn,Jr, NMD; RC Reichert, ND