How Can Anything So Simple Help Something So Complicated?
A. Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
Perceived Legal Implications of the Decision in the Schneider v. Revici Case
Catherine J. Frompovich, Ph.D.
Fish Oil As One Therapy in Cardiovascular Risk Factor Reduction
Eric R. Braverman, M.D. and Edward Weissberg, B.S.
Psychotic Behaviour and Folic Acid Medication Preliminary Report on Two Cases
Jerome LeJeune
Alzheimer’s Disease: The Nutritional Hypothesis
Francois Abalan, M.D.
Around The World International Vitamin Convention in Switzerland
Dr. G. E. Schuitemaker
New Light on Potentiation and Promotion of Tumour Growth
R. A. Buist, Ph.D.
Hair Element Content of Native American Indian Children
Mike Marlowe, Ph.D.
The Use of Organic Germanium in Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus Syndrome (CEBVS): An Example of Interferon Modulation of Herpes Reactivation
Gerald R. Faloona, Ph.D. and Stephen A. Levine, Ph.D.
Book Reviews:
Super Fitness Beyond Vitamins: The Bible of Super Supplements To Your Health
The Great Medical Monopoly Wars
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Megavitamin Capsules
Misinformation by Omission
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