Why Flog a Dead Horse?
A. Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.
I’m Schizophrenic, Doctor, Not Stupid
Megavitamins, the American Psychiatric Association and Me
Leslie Louis
Organic Germanium A Novel Dramatic Immunostimulant
Stephen A. Levine, Ph.D.
The Relationship Between Candidiasis and the Hypersensitivities of the Gifted and Talented
Amelia C. Rogers
Excess Copper & Lead as Factors in the Aging Process
Arthur Sohler, Ph.D. and Carl C.Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D.
Is Metabolic Acidosis a Common Factor in Many Degenerative Diseases?
George M. Tamari, Ph.D.
The Harrell Study and Seven Follow-Up Studies: A Brief Review
Donald R. Davis
Alcoholism, A Reflection of Adaptive Failure
Robert T. Bagley, Ph.D. CAC II
Xanthurenic Acid in Depression
M.J.A.J.M. Hoes and N. Sijben
Book Reviews:
The Healing Nutrients Within. Facts, Findings and New Research on Amino Acids – by E.R. Braverman with C.C. Pfeiffer,
Third Line Medicine. Modern Treatment for Persistent Symptoms – by Melvyn R. Werbach.
A. Hoffer, M.D., Ph. D.
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