In Memoriam:
Donald (Ben) C. Webster
Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD
British Columbia Government’s Mental Patient Discharge Policy of the Last Ten Years A Failure
A Hoffer, MD, PhD
Selenium and Cancer: A Geographical Perspective
HD Foster, PhD
Recent Advances in Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants in Medicine
J Smythies, MD, FRCP
Paradigms and Miracles: Alternative Medicine At A Crossroads
F Shallenberger, MD, HMD
Case from the Center:
The Nutrition Evaluation Questionnaire As A Diagnostic Aid
JA Jackson, MT (ASCP) CLS, PhD, BCLD; HD Riordan, MD; K Fougeron, MS; R Hunninghake, MD
Psychometric Evidence That Dental Amalgam Mercury May Be An Etiological Factor in Manic Depression
RL Siblerud, MS; J Motl, MD; E Kienholz, PhD
Successful Reversal of Retinitis Pigmentosa
MJ Allen, OD, PhD; RW Lowry, MS, OD
Alpha-Lipoic Acid (Thioctic Acid): My Experience with This Outstanding Therapeutic Agent
BM Berkson, MD, PhD
Lumbar Facet Syndrome: A Case Report
C Ross, DC, COHS, FRSH, DABDA; M Smith, MR Pharms, ND
Folate and Neural Tube Defect Risk: Paradigm Shift after Forty Years of Research
GE Schuitemaker
Negative Magnetic Fields; The Definition of Magnetic Polarity as Used in Human Physiology
Book Review:
The Road to Immunity. How to Thrive and Survive in a Toxic World – Smart Fats
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