Quacks, Quack Doctors and Quackery
A. Hoffer, MD, PhD
Cobalamin Deficiency, Methylation and Neurological Disorders
GE Shuitemaker, MD; AG Hoogland
Symptoms Before and After Proper Amalgam Removal in Relation To Serum-Globulin Reaction to Metals
H Lichtenberg, DDS
Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome
CP Ross, PhD; PR Saunders, PhD
Case from the Center:
Epstein–Barr Virus infections in Patients
JA Jackson, MT; (ASCP) CLS, PhD, BCLD; H Riordan, MD; N Riordan, PA; S Neathery, MT
Schizophrenia: An Update of the Selenium Deficiency Hypothesis
JS Brown, MD; HD Foster, PhD
Cholesterol: A Personal Viewpoint
ET Paterson, MB, ChB
Book Review:
The Longevity Factor; The Mercury in Your Mouth; Depression Survivor Kit; The Yeast Connection Handbook
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