
Mercury-Silver Amalgams

A. Hoffer, M.D., P.h.D.


Mercury: A Factor in Mental Disease?

Hal A. Huggins, D.D.S.

The Contribution of Refined Carbohydrate Consumption to Maladaptive Behaviors

Diana Fishbein, Ph.D.

Site Specific Drug Action

Jeffrey S. Barkin

Essential Trace Elements and Cancer

Eric R. Braverman, B.A. ‘, Carl C. Pfeiffer, Ph.D., M.D.

Vitamins Bl, B6, and B12 in the Adjunctive Treatment of Schizophrenia – Further Studies to Examine The Effect of Reduction of Chlorpromazine Dosage

Vasant G. Joshi, M.B., D.P.M. (Eng)l; S. Eswaran, M.D., D.P.M.; R. Nagesh, M.D.,D.P.M.;
Pai, M.D., D.P.M.; G. Mathews, M.B.B.S.;P.N. Mallick, M.A. (Cantab).

A Study Indicating a Connection Between Paranoia, Schizophrenia, Perceptual Disorders, and I.Q. in Alcohol and Drug Abusers

Alfred F. Libby, Ph.D.; John L. Day, Ph.D.; Charles R. Starling, M.D.;
David K. MacMurray Ph.D.; Fleming H. Josefson, M.A.