“Xanthurenic Acid in Depression : The blank renal excretion, the spontaneous change or after Pyridoxine and correlation with anxiety and depression scales.” “Xanthurenic Acid in Depression : The blank renal excretion, the spontaneous change or after Pyridoxine and correlation with anxiety and depression scales.”Paul Demeda2023-11-15T19:36:05-08:00
Alcoholism, A Reflection of Adaptive Failure Alcoholism, A Reflection of Adaptive FailurePaul Demeda2023-11-15T19:36:02-08:00
The Harrell Study and Seven Follow-Up Studies: A Brief Review The Harrell Study and Seven Follow-Up Studies: A Brief ReviewPaul Demeda2023-11-15T19:35:59-08:00
Is Metabolic Acidosis a Common Factor in Many Degenerative Diseases? Is Metabolic Acidosis a Common Factor in Many Degenerative Diseases?Paul Demeda2023-11-15T19:35:57-08:00
Excess Copper & Lead as Factors in the Aging Process Excess Copper & Lead as Factors in the Aging ProcessPaul Demeda2023-11-15T19:35:55-08:00
The Relationship Between Candidiasis and the Hypersensitivities of the Gifted and Talented The Relationship Between Candidiasis and the Hypersensitivities of the Gifted and TalentedPaul Demeda2023-11-15T19:45:05-08:00
Organic Germanium A Novel Dramatic Immunostimulant Organic Germanium A Novel Dramatic ImmunostimulantPaul Demeda2023-11-15T19:45:01-08:00
I’m Schizophrenic, Doctor, Not Stupid Megavitamins, the American Psychiatric Association and Me I’m Schizophrenic, Doctor, Not Stupid Megavitamins, the American Psychiatric Association and MePaul Demeda2023-11-15T19:44:56-08:00