Nutrition in Primary Care: Update and Controversies 2019
November 30, 2019
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
This annual continuing medical education program is designed to enhance primary care providers’ knowledge of applied nutritional biochemistry and the associated research literature pertaining to several conditions commonly encountered in clinical practice. Various levels of evidence will be presented for evaluation and discussion in order to facilitate improved communication with patients about health promotion, disease prevention and preferences for treatment.
Who should attend: Family Physicians; Psychiatrists; Pharmacists; Nurse Practitioners; Physician Assistants; and other health care professionals.
This 1-credit-per-hour Group Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 5.75 Mainpro+ credits.
- Critique current evidence for nutritional support in several conditions commonly encountered in primary care, including the prevention of dementia and support of cardiovascular health.
- Evaluate claims for potential health benefits or adverse effects resulting from popular weight loss diets.
- Explain nutritional biochemistry related to specific metabolic pathways and physiological processes influencing stress and adrenal health.
- Communicate knowledgeably with patients about their preferences for treatment, including the use of specific diets and nutritional supplements.
1. Dietary Modification of Dementia Risk
Growing evidence suggests that Alzheimer’s disease is linked to diet. As a highly metabolically active organ, the brain uses oxygen, glucose and all the essential nutrients – vitamins, minerals, fats and amino acids – at 10 times the rate of any other tissue. As such, it may be one of the first organs to suffer from an undersupply of these nutrients. This presentation explores the role of diet in dementia prevention, the prevalence of deficiencies of key nutrients in Canadian populations, and common dietary patterns that may negatively impact brain health.
2. Update on Heart Disease, Diet, and Nutritional Supplements
Cardiovascular disease and diet have been a subject of controversy for several decades. What is the current research on fat? Why is a high intake of fruits and vegetables protective? Every aspect of heart health is dependent on adequate magnesium status – from blood pressure to cholesterol, heart rhythms and the prevention of stroke and myocardial infarction. This presentation will discuss adequate magnesium status and evolving nutritional recommendations for prevention and treatment of heart disease..
3. Nutritional Support and Adrenal Fatigue
The stress response is a normal protective reaction designed to prepare us for ‘fight or flight’ in the face of adversity. The adrenal glands are major players in this response and according to the Adrenal Fatigue Theory, chronic stress which is endemic in modern societies leads to adrenal gland depletion. Signs of this include a cluster of vague symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, light-headedness, anxiety and depression. This presentation will examine current evidence and controversy regarding the existence of adrenal exhaustion and the role diet and certain selected supplements may play in addressing symptoms.
4. Diet and Weight Loss: Risks, Benefits, and Currently Popular Strategies
Beginning at the end of the last century there was a sudden onset of obesity in all high-income countries, and this has been continuing to escalate in North America. The health consequences of being overweight/obese are clear and include not only a dramatic increase in diabetes but also all chronic degenerative diseases. Evidence shows that there is no one effective way to lose weight and maintain weight loss, and several different approaches have proved effective. This presentation will focus on the evidence supporting some currently popular approaches to weight control, such as ketogenic diets and intermittent fasting.
Registration Fee includes lunch, refreshments and program materials. See Program Brochure for schedule and additional information.
CSOM/ISOM Members must log-in under ‘My Account’ to receive membership discounts.
Student Scholarship Application Fee ($50.00) is refunded upon program attendance.
The Scholarship Application option is no longer available (SOLD OUT) for this program.