Nutritional and Environmental Influences on Neurodevelopment
December 7, 2019
Saturday, December 7, 2019 SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver
Program Description:
Nutritional and Environmental Influences on Neurodevelopment is a CFPC Mainpro+ Certified continuing medical education program for health care professionals. This program examines the current evidence for nutritional support of healthy neurodevelopment in children, with a focus on the influences of internal (microbiome) and external (environmental) health.
Factors contributing to the increase in autism spectrum and other neurodevelopmental disorders include environmental toxicants, alterations in the development of the microbiome, immune dysregulation including autoimmunity, and oxidative stress. There is an ever-increasing volume of research literature that identifies plausible nutritional interventions and disease prevention strategies.
The material being presented is designed to enhance primary care providers knowledge of applied nutritional biochemistry and the associated research literature pertaining to neurodevelopmental conditions. Various levels of evidence will be presented for evaluation and discussion, in order to facilitate improved communication with patients regarding health promotion, disease prevention and preferences for treatment.
This 1-credit-per-hour Group Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada for up to 6.25 Mainpro+ credits.
Target Audience:
Family Physicians, Interprofessional Health Teams, Child and Adolescent Health Specialists, Mental Health Professionals, Pharmacists, Maternity and Newborn Care Providers, Residents, Medical Students
Learning Objectives – At the conclusion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Identify nutritional and environmental factors influencing neurodevelopment, and explain how these factors can be modified for disease prevention.
- Communicate more knowledgeably with patients about the influences of prenatal health and early nutrition on neurodevelopmental outcomes.
- Describe specific biochemical interactions and metabolic pathways that are affected by nutrient deficiencies and neurotoxic molecules.
- Evaluate current research literature pertaining to the microbiome and nutritional intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
John Gannage, MD, CCFP, is the founder and current Medical Director of Markham Integrative Medicine, where he focuses on providing biomedical therapies for children and families affected by autism and developmental disorders. Dr. Gannage graduated from University of Toronto Medical School in 1990, and completed his residency in Family Medicine at the University of Ottawa. Dr. Gannage is a longstanding practitioner of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), receiving specialized training in chelation therapy, oxidative medicine, and functional medicine. He is a Defeat Autism Now (DAN!) clinician, and has completed multiple modules for the Medical Academy of Pediatric Special Needs (MAPS) as a fellowship candidate since 2012.
Program Schedule:
08:30 – Registration Opens
09:00 – Introduction
09:15 – Section 1 Children and Environmental Medicine
10:45 – Break
11:15 – Section 2 The Microbiome and Implications for Brain Health
13:00 – Lunch
14:00 – Section 3 Nutritional Intervention in Primary Care
15:15 – Break
15:45 – Section 3 Nutritional Intervention in Primary Care (cont’d)
16:15 – Interactive Discussion
17:15 – Program Evaluation and Adjournment
Registration Fee includes lunch, refreshments and program materials.
CSOM/ISOM Members must log-in under ‘My Account’ to receive membership discounts.
Pre-registration via Scholarship Application is no longer available. On-site registration for Students is subject to the availability of space.