
Basic First Steps

The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice from a licensed physician or other qualified healthcare professional.



  • avoid household products containing chemicals
  • limit use of plastics for food serving and storage

Nutrients to supplement daily

  • Probiotics – supports healthy intestinal microbiome
  • Multivitamin/mineral or B-complex – broad-spectrum nutrient support
  • Vitamin C – antioxidant, supports glutathione producton
  • Vitamin D – anti-inflammatory properties
  • Selenium – antioxidant and anti-autoimmune action by supporting glutathione producton 
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – anti-inflammatory

Further steps

Additional nutrients to consider supplementing

(see each nutrient for food sources and dosing information)

  • Vitamin A – supports normal thyroid system function
  • Iodine – required to make T4
  • Iron – supports thyroid hormone synthesis
    (supplement only if confirmed low on a blood test)
  • Zinc – required to make thyroid hormones

If you are taking medications

  • Ask your doctor if they may be contributing to your hypothyroid symptoms, and what can be done about it.
  • Research any associated nutrient depletions and consider supplementing those nutrients
  • Do not discontinue taking medications without consulting with your doctor

Seek qualified guidance

  • Consider working with someone trained in Orthomolecular practice.