Société Algérienne de Nutrition et de Médecine Orthomoléculaire
In this world where we live, the human being is subject to an eternal change. The things around us are constantly changing. The evolution of mentalities and lifestyles does not only concern the way of thinking, but also the mode of action. Thus the doctor as an actor in a society undergoing major socio-economic change must also change his methods in terms of optimal health management. Also thanks to micro-nutrition and the concept of orthomolecular medicine, allopathic medicine will be able to benefit from a safe ally in terms of treatment and prevention. This will in the long run help to address a public health problem dominated by the ever-growing development of chronic diseases. A diet, varied and balanced, specifically corrected and targeted by a supply of dietary supplements, such will be the direction of orthomolecular medicine.
The Algerian Society of Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine also aims to provide quality training in nutrition and molecular medicine. It will appeal to all practitioners who wish to acquire a competence in this field. This training will enable practitioners to better care for the patient, in his well-being and in his therapeutic management. Thus Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine should be a complement to Allopathic Medicine. “Adding life to years rather than years to life” requires a collective awareness. Nutrition and general life hygiene are well underestimated protective factors.
President: Dr. Ilyes Baghli
Vice-President: Dr. Tahar Naili

Algerian Society of Nutrition and Orthomolecular Medicine
Mailing Address:
Ras El Ma 22005
Sidi Bel Abbes
Phone: 00213550588607