38th Annual International Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference
May 1 – 3, 2009
Fairmont Queen Elizabeth – Montreal, Quebec
Select image to view speaker biographies and conference program
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Select PDF to view corresponding syllabus material
Dietary Modulation of Insulin and Glucose in Prediabetes – Audio Unavailable [PDF]
Jack Challem
Pediatric Psychiatry – Audio Unavailable [PDF]
Doron Gothelf, MD
Gut and Psychology Syndrome – Audio Unavailable [PDF]
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD
Orthomolecular Treatment for Eating Disorders [PDF]
James Greenblatt, MD
Orthomolecular Treatment for Insomnia [PDF]
Aileen Burford-Mason, PhD
Prioritizing Mainstream and Nonmainstream Interventions [PDF]
Gary Ginsberg, DrPH
Acai: The World’s Richest Antioxidant Source [PDF]
Alexander Schauss, PhD
Beyond Cholesterol: The Orthomolecular Approach to Cardiovascular Disease [PDF]
Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD
Vitamin E Revisited [PDF]
Maret Traber, PhD
Making Decisions About Cancer Treatment [PDF]
Michael Schachter, MD
High-Dose Ascorbic Acid and Cancer [PDF]
L. John Hoffer, MD, PhD
Oral vs. Intravenous Vitamin C [PDF]
Ronald Hunninghake, MD
The Past, Present and Future of Orthomolecular Medicine [PDF]
Jeffrey Bland, PhD
Safe and Efficacious Metal Detoxification [PDF]
David Quig, PhD
Dysglycemia: The Common Factor in Mental Disorders [PDF]
Patrick Holford, BSc, Dip ION